Tag Archives: MACC Charities
The Emergency of Hunger Food Drive is Underway

The 12th Annual “Emergency of Hunger Food Drive” kicked off over the weekend at Manchester’s Highland Park Market and Stop & Shop. Ambulance Service of Manchester teamed up with Manchester Police and the Police Explorers to help collect food items, gift cards, and cash over this past weekend.
Next weekend, collection points are Manchester Stop & Shop as well as South Windsor’s Geissler Supermarket and Stop & Shop. All donations will go to the Manchester Area Conference of Churches Charity and South Windsor Food & Fuel Bank. With the increase in challenges and food insecurities, it’s more important than ever that we come together to help our friends, families, and neighbors alleviate the added pressure. We hope to see all of you this coming weekend!
A special thanks to all of the Manchester Community College NSMH, and PTK volunteers that helped us unload the full food trucks.
With a helping hand and caring heart we are helping end hunger in our community. #MCCNSMH, #NSMHWORLD, #NSMHLIFE , #cougarality, #fighthunger, #PTKMCC

MACC Charities Donates Food for ASM Crews
On Friday, May 29th Manchester Area Conference of Churches provided Ambulance Service of Manchester crews with a delicious lunch. Chef Luke and Chef Ferdinand prepared an amazing meal and then delivered it with the help of Outreach Worker Mark Nadeau. Crews enjoyed a hot chicken meal, beautiful salad, and topped it all off with the best cake for dessert. ASM would like to thank Beth Stafford and everyone at M.A.C.C. for this thoughtful donation!

ASM 2019 “Community Threads” Coat Drive Half Way Point

MANCHESTER-The half-way results are in for the third annual Coat Drive lead by ASM’s Laura McHugh. Office staff and Road Crews pitched in and rounded up gently used coats, gloves, scarves and hats for this end of year donation. Thus far, 32 jackets, 18 scarves, 25 hats and 59 pairs of gloves made their way into our community. All donations were delivered to the Manchester Area Conference of Churches (M.A.C.C.) clothing store “Community Threads” located at 466 Main Street in Manchester.

11th Annual Emergency of Hunger Food Drive Results!
by Jesse Leavenworth

Volunteers with the Emergency of Hunger Food Drive unload donations from an ambulance at MACC Charities in Manchester. (Courtesy of Patrick Gleason/ASM)
Organizers of the Emergency of Hunger food drive gathered ample donations of food and cash over the past two weekends at area supermarkets.
Police officers, firefighters, ambulance crews and other volunteers collected 645 turkeys, 21,334 food items and $31,003 in cash, food drive spokesman Patrick Gleason of Ambulance Service of Manchester said.
Collections were made at supermarkets in Manchester, Vernon and South Windsor. All donations are to benefit food pantries in the participating towns.
This was the 11th year of the drive. In 2009, when the effort was focused only on Manchester, a total of $2,405.78 in cash and checks and 155 turkeys were collected, along with an unspecified number of nonperishable food items. The total value of food and monetary donations was $14,265.78, an organizer said.
Participants this year included Manchester, South Windsor and Vernon police officers and firefighters and representatives of Manchester Police Explorers, Ambulance Service of Manchester, South Windsor Rotary Club, Highland Park Market, Stop & Shop supermarkets, Geissler’s supermarket in South Windsor, Manchester Area Conference of Churches Charities, South Windsor Food & Fuel Bank and Hockanum Valley Community Council.
Jesse Leavenworth can be reached at jleavenworth@courant.com

Weekend 2 of 11th Annual Emergency of Hunger Food Drive!
This weekend, Ambulance Service of Manchester will be collecting food at the following locations for our 11th Annual “Emergency of Hunger Food Drive. We hope to see you soon!

- Stop & Shop in Manchester, 318 West Middle Turnpike 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Stop & Shop in South Windsor, 1739 Ellington Road, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Geissler’s Supermarket, South Windsor, 965 Sullivan Ave., from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Stop & Shop in Vernon, 10 Pitkin Road, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Stop & Shop in the Rockville section of Vernon, 50 Windsorville Road, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
11th Annual Emergency of Hunger Food Drive!
by Jesse Leavenworth

Kyle Caldwell, left, and Dave Tedeschi, emergency medical technicians with Ambulance Service of Manchester, at the 2013 Emergency of Hunger Food Drive. (Courtesy of Ambulance Service of Manchester)
First responders and other volunteers in Manchester, South Windsor and Vernon will be collecting food and cash donations to stock area food pantries, starting in Manchester on Saturday and Sunday.
Coordinated by the Ambulance Service of Manchester, the Emergency of Hunger Food Drive is in its 11th year. This year, Highland Park Market is joining the effort, hosting collections at the Manchester store, food drive spokesman Patrick Gleason said.
Along with police officers, firefighters and ambulance crews, participants include the Manchester Area Conference of Churches, Hockanum Valley Community Council, South Windsor Food and Fuel Bank, Police Explorers and Rotary Club members.
On Saturday and Sunday, volunteers will be collecting turkeys, chickens, non-perishable food items, cash and gift cards at Highland Park Market, 317 Highland St., and Stop & Shop supermarket, 318 West Middle Turnpike. Collections on both days are scheduled for 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Collections are to continue on Nov. 23 and 24 at both Manchester locations and at the South Windsor Stop & Shop, 1739 Ellington Road; Geissler’s supermarket in South Windsor, 965 Sullivan Ave.; Stop & Shop in Vernon, 10 Pitkin Road; and the Stop & Shop in the Rockville section of Vernon, 50 Windsorville Road.
Jesse Leavenworth can be reached at jleavenworth@courant.com
ASM Partners With United States Postal Service and M.A.C.C. For The 25th Annual “Stamp Out Hunger” Event

MANCHESTER- On Saturday May 11th, Ambulance Service of Manchester and Manchester Area Conference of Churches (MACC) worked together with the National Association of Letter Carriers (AFL-CIO) for a local charity event. Postal workers collected food donations left by mailboxes all across the town of Manchester. The collected food was brought back to the Sheldon Road Post Office where ASM employees then transported the donations to MACC food pantry on Main Street. ASM staff helped unload and sort all of the donations along with local volunteers. Over the 25 year history of this event, more than 1 Billion pounds of food have been collected nationally.

ASM 2018 “Community Threads” Coat Drive
MANCHESTER-The results are in for the second annual ASM Coat Drive! Thanks to employees, family members and friends, over 40 jackets along with multiple, hats, coats and scarves were collected. ASM’s Laura McHugh was the driving force for this initiative. All donations were delivered to the Manchester Area Conference of Churches (M.A.C.C.) clothing store “Community Threads” located at 466 Main Street in Manchester. A quote from Laura, the event organizer is provided below.
“I am pleased to announce the ASM 2nd annual coat drive has doubled donations received in 2018. This would not have been possible without the help of our employees, family and friends. As an EMS community I sincerely appreciate the help received in coming together to make the area we service a better place.”
ASM Teams up with Bob’s Discount Furniture to benefit MACC Charities
10th Annual Emergency of Hunger Food Drive Results!
MANCHESTER – The 10th Annual “Emergency of Hunger” Food Drive, composed of first responders, Rotary members, and others, was a great success! Their combined efforts continue to make a deep and widening impact on hunger in greater Hartford. This year volunteers from Manchester, Vernon, and South Windsor collected 28,000+ food items, 850+ turkeys, and $15,000 in gift card and monitory donations. Please click here to read Contact Reporter Jesse Leavenworth’s article in the Hartford Courant!
10th Annual Emergency of Hunger Food Drive!
by Jesse Leavenworth
First responders and food pantry managers gathered at the MACC Community Kitchen Monday to kick off the Emergency of Hunger Food Drive.
Collections of turkeys, non-perishable food items, cash and gift cards are scheduled for the next two weekends at supermarkets in Manchester, Vernon and South Windsor.
The effort relies on the public’s generosity and volunteers from police, fire and emergency medical agencies, along with Rotary Club members and Stop & Shop and Geissler’s supermarkets. Collections benefit clients of soup kitchens and food pantries, including those run by Manchester Area Conference of Churches Charities and the Hockanum Valley Community Council.
Items needed, in particular, include canned vegetables, condiments, sugar, flour, coffee, tea and cocoa. Cash donations and gift cards also are welcome, food drive spokesman Patrick Gleason of Ambulance Service of Manchester said.
Last year, the drive netted 31,276 food items, 675 turkeys and cash and gift card donations totaling about $16,000. Each year, participating agencies challenge each other to collect the most donations. Losers this year have agreed to work at the winner’s food pantry or soup kitchen, Gleason said.
Collections are set for:
_ Friday and Saturday and Nov. 17 and 18 at Manchester Stop & Shop, 286 Broad St., from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day;
_ Stop & Shop in Vernon, 10 Pitkin Road, Nov. 17 and 18, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day;
_ Stop & Shop in the Rockville section of Vernon, 50 Windsorville Road, Nov. 17 and 18, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day;
_ Stop & Shop in South Windsor, 1739 Ellington Road, Nov. 17 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.;
_ And Geissler’s Supermarket, South Windsor, 965 Sullivan Ave., Nov. 17 and 18, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
ASM Teams up with Bob’s Discount Furniture to benefit MACC Charities
MANCHESTER- On April 23, 2018 Ambulance Service of Manchester employees Chris Tevnan and Kaylyn Fuller joined forces with Manchester Area Conference of Churches for the first annual Bob’s Discount Furniture Food Drive. The event was coordinated by MACC Charities Director & CEO Beth Stafford. Animatronic Bob made an appearance while St. James students helped M.A.A.C. and ASM team members unload the donations.
ASM’s Coat Drive Results
MANCHESTER-The results are in for the first ASM Coat Drive! Thanks to employees, family members and friends, a total of 26 jackets along with multiple, hats, coats and scarves were collected. ASM’s Laura McHugh was the driving force for this initiative. All donations were delivered to the Manchester Area Conference of Churches (M.A.C.C.) clothing store “Community Threads” located at 466 Main Street in Manchester. A quote from Laura, the event organizer is provided below.
Thanks so much to everyone involved! Year one turned out to be more of a success than anticipated. It’s amazing to see how your compassion for helping others does not end with patient care. Can’t wait for next year’s results!
9th Annual Emergency of Hunger Food Drive Results!
MANCHESTER – The 9th Annual “Emergency of Hunger” Food Drive, composed of first responders, Rotary members, and others, was a great success! Their combined efforts continue to make a deep and widening impact on hunger in greater Hartford. This year volunteers from Manchester, Vernon, and South Windsor collected a staggering 31,000+ food items, 675+ turkeys, and $16,000 in gift card and monitory donations. Please click here to read Contact Reporter Jesse Leavenworth’s article in the Hartford Courant!